Saturday, 29 November 2008

yummy toons

some yummy toons

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i DO NOT like trans girls...
and neither does God;
however, He sent this sinnfull
mortal to tella youse thars
a Way out cuzz we love you...
and we wanna see you
in Seventh-Heaven.
Follow us to the Great Beyond:

To have a passion about anything
besides the Trinity is mortal sin
(you can have passions other than
those, but they have to fall into
the second place or third or fourth...
etc; the Trinity should come FIRST).
Lemme tella youse how
to come to Seventh-Heaven...

'We cannot be neutral in our lifelong demise precisely because Jesus WILL NOT be neutral at our General Judgement' -blessed holy socks
What we do in our finite lifetimes
has eternal consequences.

Howd'ya literally N figuratively WISEABOVE?? Pray the Stations. Go to Mass at least Sunday. Lissen, lissen, lissen. Pray the Rosary to kick-Satan's-ass. Carry your cross - literally and/or figuratively. Goto the Adoration Chapel located inside every Catholic choirch. Pray, pray, pray. Offer your whole day N night to the Trinity. Read your Bible. Love God alone. Love everyone else. Put their lives ahead of your own. DO IT! We dont have long before our LastPage: find-out what RCIA means and join.

Withe filthy, whorizontal piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard destruction seeing who can git a lowest place in Hellfire, dont you think your lifetime is EXTREMELY vital to the planet? Thus, to love the lives of others is to love your own: spread the Gospel of Jesus.

God bless your indelible soul.